Real-time streaming media has become a trend worldwide. But what exactly is live broadcast?
What is live streaming?
Live streaming, also called real-time video, is to broadcast real-time video to viewers over the Internet. As long as you get an Internet-enabled device (such as a smartphone or tablet), you can broadcast live on an online platform. More and more online platforms are used for live broadcasting, such as YouNow, LiveMe and Periscope are getting more and more attention. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have also launched live streaming functions in their apps. Real-time streaming is becoming more and more popular.

What do people usually do in live video?
According to the research done by Statista, people of all ages are watching and creating live broadcasts. 63% of people in the 18-34 age group watch the live broadcast regularly. But what kind of content are they watching now?
1. Real-Time Interaction with Audiences
Sometimes the live broadcast is just for chatting with people all over the world. The creator can use the chat room function to read the messages of his audience without entering words. Creators can answer their questions in real-time, making the audience feel close to the creator. It is good for people to make friends through chat rooms.

2. Special Event
Certain special events, such as football matches, Oscars, Olympics, etc., all of these programs may not be available on TV broadcast. Therefore, some official websites have live events. Viewers can enjoy the program online.
In addition, some creators also broadcast part of the live broadcast to the audience. They will walk around, show the audience the content of the event, and introduce the content of the event. The creator will become the eyes and ears of the audience. Even if the audience is not in the venue, they can still enjoy the performance.

3. Promotion
Real-time streaming is also a promotional tool for the company. Most companies have their own social media accounts, and they will use real-time streaming capabilities to interact with customers, especially for online stores. They do not have a retail store, and sometimes customers lack confidence in buying online stores. The store can then use real-time streaming to communicate with customers. In addition, they can show their products through real-time video. Because customers don’t need to edit to view products, they will be more confident to purchase items from your store.

Preparation for live streaming
The preparation of real-time video streaming is easy. Set up an account on any social media or live streaming app, then use your phone for video shooting. You can become a live video creator!
Of course, some creators are professional and their equipment is more advanced. They may get several professional cameras to shoot different angles. The most important is the multi-function control panel, such as YoloLiv YoloBox portable live studio. It is a monitor used to perform Full HD real-time streaming, multi-camera production, picture-in-picture, watermarking, etc. It is ideal for creators who want to stream live on different platforms at the same time. By using this YoloLiv YoloBox, creators can edit their live videos and provide viewers with different shooting angles.

Real-time streaming is a trend in recent years and will continue to grow in the future. If you want live video to be more special and outstanding, then you should be more creative and improve the shooting equipment to produce more professional live video.